My first basketball game was two weeks ago. I was really excited. When I started the game I was a starter. To be honest I didn’t think I was gonna be a starter. My position was a shooting guard. In the first quarter, we were down by six points. The next quarter I got subbed out. In the third quarter, I was back in and made three, three-pointers. In last quarter it was a tied game. It was a very intense game. There was like ten seconds on the clock. The team relied on me to make the shot. When they passed me the ball I shot it and sadly I missed. The opponent team won by one point. I was pretty devastated. But my team and coach said it was a good try.
WWE SummerSlam review
I can't believe my dad made me an AWESOME video. I was really excited i kept watching it again and again. I did not know how my dad made that but i really love. I will be making more videos like the on you saw with my dad. … [Continue reading]
I am going to WWE SummerSlam

I can't believe my dad is taking me to SummerSlam. My dad wanted to surprise me and when he told me I was so happy. He says we can make a board and write my name on it. If you watch SummerSlam on TV or live look for a sign that says "JAY" near … [Continue reading]
Happy Fathers Day
Happy Fathers Day dad. I got my dad a card I wanted to get him something else but he did not want it. Why my dad is important to me. First he loves me. Second he takes good care of me. Third he plays stuff I want to. Fourth … [Continue reading]
My trip to Dominican Republic
Me and my family went to Punta Cana, Dominic Republic. When I got to the airport. My dad offered me to go to the VIP lounge. I did not want to go but my dad still took me anyway. When I got to the VIP lounge I saw a lot of food. I couldn’t wait … [Continue reading]